Feb 24, 2007

Ferrari Boobs vs KIA Boobs

WHo Do U think would win the Race :)

Feb 21, 2007

Victoria's Secret's $12.5 million bra

Why do you wear a BRA?

Most of my indian frenz did ask me why do the american girl doesn't like to wear a bra?
After a while i think i shall answer that question by asking this question:
Why do you wear a BRA????? ..and she..took a while to answer it..welll let me give some answer on this :

1. "Because breasts need to be supported." Is it true????
There is no medical reason to wear a bra. "...wearing a bra... has no medical necessity whatsoever", says Susan M. Love, M.D in her "Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book". Breasts were fine before the invention of brasserie. This is similar to the myth that women supposedly need corsets to support their stomach muscles.

Also there is no proof that bras would prevent your breasts from sagging. Your breast is supported by ligaments, and if breasts ligaments act anything like other bodily ligaments, they may atrophy from the constant unnatural support from the bra.

Someone might say, "I'm large-breasted and I need a bra to support the weight of my breasts." That may be so; but you can experiment going without bra and see how you feel. One medical doctor made a study on shoulder pain treatment in women with large breasts. The patients removed the weight from their shoulders for a period of two weeks, either by going braless or by wearing a strapless bra. Only one woman chose a strapless bra and all the others went braless. Quoting the article, "Long-term outcome was presence or absence of muscle pain and tenderness. Seventy-nine percent of patients decided to remove breast weight from the shoulder permanently because it rendered them symptom free."
(Ryan, EL, Pectoral girdle myalgia in women: a 5-year study in a clinical setting. Clin J Pain. 2000 Dec;16(4):298-303.

If you need a bra, find a bra that is not tight and without side panels or under wires, because under wires can create extra pressure and tightness. You could get it fitted right with professional fitter. Also try give your breasts as much 'free time' as possible. Take your bra off whenever you can, and at least do not wear it to sleep.

Feb 17, 2007

Kari Wuhrer :Why I Took Out My Breast Implants

Read this article, about an actress who had the courage to took out her implant..

A Hollywood Actress's Intimate Diary – Why I Took Out My Breast Implants
In the movie business, your body is your business card. Which is why at age 22, aspiring actress Kari Wuhrer underwent breast implant surgery. Thirteen years later, she's had enough. In a Glamour Magazine exclusive, she shares her diary of rediscovering her real body – and real self.

Saturday, March 2, 2002

So far, this has been one of the most humiliating days of my life. This morning, I was standing in the dressing room of a movie set in a house in the Hollywood Hills, preparing for a nude scene for the film Spider's Web, and I was panicking. Not because it was a nude scene; I've done plenty of those. (I was naked in a room with Sean Penn and Jack Nicholson in The Crossing Guard in 1995 and didn't mind a bit.) No I was panicking because something was wrong with one of my breasts.

My right breast – filled with one of my silicone breast implants – had encapsulated, meaning that the scar tissue underneath the implant has turned rock hard and, in my case, is now pushing my right breast twice as high as my left. My doctor said it's the most common complication of breast implants, although it affects only about 5 percent of recipients. Unfortunately, I'm on the wrong side of the statistic. I'm half Pamela Anderson, half me. My right breast looks puffy and swollen, and the nipple is pointing downward. I look deformed.

Three weeks ago, when I began shooting this film, my breasts were fine. The encapsulation happened literally overnight. And because I was supposed to film a scene today that involved climbing out of a shower in a wet white shirt, I had to tell my director, Paul Levine, and my costar, Stephen Baldwin, about the encapsulation this morning. I may be the world's greatest avoider, but I couldn't get out of this one. I was so worried about their reactions: Would they fire me if I couldn't do the scene? Would they think I was just being a diva? Would they laugh? I mean, this wasn't a broken arm – it was something really embarrassing.

Telling them was humbling. When they asked, "How bad is it?" I lifted my shirt to show them and then started to cry. How ironic: thousands of dollars of implants and I couldn't bear to have anyone look at them. But Paul and Stephen werre so compassionate. Paul said, "We'll work through the love scenes together," and Stephen agreed to help hide parts I couldn't expose. When I walked back to my dressing room, I cried even more with relief. I'd been thinking about getting my breast implants taken out for some time, but this was the last straw. All I could think was, I want them out – now.

These implants have been with me for almost my whole entertainment career, After a yearlong stint in 1988 as the host of MTV's game show Remote Control, I moved from New York to Los Angeles to become a singer. An eminent record producer signed me to a record deal but added very matter-of-factly that I would need to get new breasts put in. He said, "I really like it when you can see a woman's breasts from the back." I can't believe that didn't halt me right there – the idea that I'd have such huge breasts that they'd peek out from my sides! But I was young and more concerned with my looks than with what was on the inside, in my soul.

Eight months later, I had my A-cups augmented to C-cups. After six months of working with the producer on my "image", rather than my music, I decided not to do the deal after all. But with the implants, I was offered a lot of "sexy" roles in low-budget films. It was limiting, but I couldn't complain – those jobs were putting a roof over my head. I took big roles in small movies and small roles in big movies. In 1997, I was cast in the science fiction TV series Sliders, which started my career in sci-fi thrillers and eventually led to my starring role this summer opposite David Arquette in the film Eight Legged Freaks, a parody of 1950s monster movies.

I vividly remember the day I first thought about taking out the implants. It was 1999, and I was starring in a short film. Before I began the love scene, I stood in the bathroom looking in the mirror and suddenly, for the first time in my career, I was afraid to expose myself. Where once I'd felt proud and empowered to walk into a room naked, I now realized that my breasts were defining me before I had a chance to define myself, in both work and my personal relationships. Even though I was intelligent and a trained actress, many of the people I met, including casting directors, weren't taking me seriously. I was sick of my breasts walking into a room five minutes before I did.

Finally, a year later, I asked a doctor to take out my implants. But he cautioned me about getting rid of them entirely, saying my breasts might be empty and saggy: "You'll be really unhappy," he said. I let him convince me that a set of slightly smaller silcone breasts would satisfy me, and I had the downsizing surgery that month. I felt pretty good about myself for a few months, but the feeling was fleeting. I hadn't gotten to the root of the issue, which is that I didn't want to be more natural – I wanted to be all natural. But before I decided to remove my implants, my body would show its own signs that they should be taken out. It's like fate stepped in with the encapsulation.

So today, back on the set of Spider's Web, I took a deep breath, walked onto the set in my see-through shirt and filmed my scenes. Paul, the director, said I didn't look bad, but I feel ashamed of my body. I want to be more than what I've given myself credit for. I am talented and loving and beautiful. I want to be me again. It's time to say goodbye to the silicone.
More story?

Feb 14, 2007

Sexy Mouse Trap

OMG..if it happened 2 me, i might collapse..hate rats so much

Feb 8, 2007

Bra Wonder?

Today, lets talk about the necessity of wearing bras..do we girl really need to wear it daily? Do men loves looking at women wearing bra? Does wearing a bra sometime makes u look sexy?...hmm read this interesting fact!

Over 90% of Australian women wear a bra, most without ever asking why. People just think it's the thing to do and don't question it. This article talks about different reasons people wear a bra, and questions those. Of course you are free to wear a bra if you want to - for whatever reason - but many women in today's society are actually led to believe it is some kind of necessity, which it is not. And for some women, going without bras can bring a tremendous relief from breast pain.

The modern bra actually developed from corset. And why did women wear corsets? If you study history books you will find the corset was invented to mould a woman's body into a "supposedly" pleasing shape, as determined by FASHION INDUSTRY.

In today's western culture bra has been turned into a sexual garment - its main purpose is to emphasize the sexual nature of breasts. In most cases bra is not for practicality - though for women with very large breasts a bra (or some kind of support) can be a necessity in some situations.

Feb 6, 2007

Wife Poisoned Man for Breast Implants

What a shocking news..y must u killed him just for those sinkers..poor husband,,i'm sorry for him..read the full story..

A CALIFORNIA woman was convicted today of poisoning her Marine husband with arsenic to cash in his $US250,000 ($323,000) life insurance policy and pay for breast implants and a party lifestyle.

Cynthia Sommer, a 33-year-old mother of four, faces life in prison without parole for the 2002 death of her husband Todd, 23, at the Marine Corps Air Station in Miramar, near San Diego.

In a largely circumstantial case, prosecutors said Sommer had at first convinced people she was a widow grieving the loss of her husband, whose official cause of death was given as a heart attack.

But prosecutors told the jury Sommer made four inquiries about money within five hours of her husband's death.

In the next few weeks, she paid $US5400 for breast implants, had sex with three male Marines and a woman, hosted loud parties at her house and participated in a wet T-shirt and thong contest in the Mexican border town of Tijuana, they said.

It was not clear how the poison was delivered but prosecutors said Sommer may have used the bait in retail ant traps.

Tests in 2003 showed Todd Sommer had more than 1000 times the normal level of arsenic in his liver.

Sommer, who was arrested in 2005, said she had her breasts enlarged to help herself feel better about her husband's death.

She is engaged to a former Marine she met about two months after she was widowed.

Sommer was found guilty of murder, murder for financial gain and murder by poison.

Prosecutors had decided not to seek the death penalty.

She will be sentenced in March.

Feb 4, 2007

Invisible Bikini

Well..i guessed this only happened in japan

Feb 3, 2007

Iron Boob

What else could i say..its outrageous!

Feb 1, 2007

Boob Job

Well..the old man looks like a pervert yeah :)

Jan 28, 2007

Macho Man with Juicy Breast !!

Breast Implant Facts & Figure

Here are some Random Facts About Breast Implants:

* In 1994 women with ruptured silicone breast implants were denied health insurance coverage.

* In 1968 a study was done on silicone. One of the experiments consisted of a dish full of silicone and some cockroaches. The cockroaches went over to the dish and never got more than a few inches away from the dish before dying.

* In 1992, 32,607 women had breast augmentation,jumping to 132,378 in 1998.

* Sixty percent of women who had breast augmentation in 1998 were between the ages of
19 and 34. Just over one-third were between the ages of 35 and 50.

* Nov. 17, 2006 — After 14 years, silicone breast implants will once again be available to women in the United States. The decision by the Food and Drug Administration makes silicone implants available to all breast reconstruction and revision patients, as well as women 22 years of age and older seeking cosmetic breast enhancement.

Jan 25, 2007

Big Breast Balloon

Guys..dont forget to shave in case u encountered with such fake balloon :)

Jan 21, 2007

Breast Implant Anyone? Think twice!

I found this article, its so scary to know the impact of having breast implant. According to treports,3% suffer leakage within three years causing a deflated implant

Occasionally, breast implants may break or leak. The saline fill is salt water and will be absorbed by the body without ill effects. Older implants with silicone gel can leak also. If this occurs, one of two things may occur. If breakage of the implant shell that has a contracture scar around it, then it may not feel like anything has happed. If the shell breaks and there is not a contracture scar, then leakage into the surrounding tissue results in a sensation that the implant is deflating. The leaking gel may collect in the breast and a new scar may form around it. In other cases gel can migrate through the lymphatic system to another area of the body. Breaks may require a second operation and replacement of the leaking implant. If the gel has migrated it may not be possible to remove all of the silicone gel. This silicone gel is the what some say is related to the initiation of connective tissue disorders.

One study they reviewed showed that 63.6% of breast implants which had been in place for between one and 25 years had ruptured or were leaking. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/33450.stm)

Jan 20, 2007

Natural Breast Exam

has anyone tried calling to see if this happens to be a real number. btw i dont think i would mind puting mine in your hands...wow :)

Jan 19, 2007

Precal Implants

They never had classes like that when I was in school! :D

Jan 18, 2007

This is the way Man do

Men sometimes need a second thought :)

Jan 15, 2007

Man's Boob Grows?

What a funny & classic clips..

Jan 12, 2007

Boob Accident

Ops! Thats funny yeah :)..i wish it wont happen to me in real flight..so embarrassing

Boob Talk

no boobs harmed...?....i was about to call the "society to save boobs.."
Once again, NO IMPLANTS..just stick to the real one

Jan 10, 2007

This is a Mans World

Nowadys babies are so lucky to have such a sexy babysitter,my nephew better look like that :)

Jan 8, 2007

Miss Breast Header aka Zidan

Brilliant, who ever thought of this was a genius yeah :)
Bravo zizou..


Sorry if this video might annoyed some of u,but it
reminds me about my physics class..its about oscillation..Its a boring subject.. May b they should use this video as physics aided learning :)

I'm thinking to do some face off on this blog..still searching for fresh ideas..your input is welcomed :) Anyway just enjoy your day

Jan 5, 2007

Sexy Mama Breast Feeding

I think its Time for all men to GET IN SHAPE! :)

Jan 4, 2007

Boob Job

Boob job sometimes make me laugh like crazy..just Enjoy viewing this clip my frenz :),

Jan 2, 2007

Fake Boobs

..people r laughing if u had a fake boob..So keep it NATURAL