Feb 8, 2007

Bra Wonder?

Today, lets talk about the necessity of wearing bras..do we girl really need to wear it daily? Do men loves looking at women wearing bra? Does wearing a bra sometime makes u look sexy?...hmm read this interesting fact!

Over 90% of Australian women wear a bra, most without ever asking why. People just think it's the thing to do and don't question it. This article talks about different reasons people wear a bra, and questions those. Of course you are free to wear a bra if you want to - for whatever reason - but many women in today's society are actually led to believe it is some kind of necessity, which it is not. And for some women, going without bras can bring a tremendous relief from breast pain.

The modern bra actually developed from corset. And why did women wear corsets? If you study history books you will find the corset was invented to mould a woman's body into a "supposedly" pleasing shape, as determined by FASHION INDUSTRY.

In today's western culture bra has been turned into a sexual garment - its main purpose is to emphasize the sexual nature of breasts. In most cases bra is not for practicality - though for women with very large breasts a bra (or some kind of support) can be a necessity in some situations.

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